Click "Edit" by specific Account on ACCOUNTS OVERVIEW page or...
Click on specific Account "Name" on ACCOUNTS OVERVIEW.
And then "Edit" on ACCOUNT'S DETAILS page.
On EDITING ACCOUNT'S DETAILS page you can change all neccessary data.
When all neccessary data is changed - you can click 'Save' or 'Cancel'.
On the ACCOUNT'S DETAILS page you can also see RELATED CONTACTS part. This part of the page shows Contacts assigned to specific Account.
If you want assign or deassign Contacts then click on "Assign" button on ACCOUNT'S DETAILS page.
After that you will see all available Contacts on page ASSIGN CONTACTS. On that page you can assign new Contacts.
For better view you can also sort Contacts on ASSIGN CONTACTS page using alphabet letters.
If you want to assign specific Contact - tick small box by that Contact name. In the same time you can also deassign Contacts by unticking small box by Contact name.
After all click "Assign" button to assign Contacts or "Cancel" to discard changes.
You can also deassign Contacts on ACCOUNT'S DETAILS page just by clicking "Delete" button by specific Contact.
When clicking "Delete" button by Contact, the enquiry to confirm will be displayed. When operation is approved click 'OK' button. Otherwise click 'Cancel' to discard operation. Both buttons are located in the pop-up window.
On ACCOUNT'S DETAILS page you can also go straight to specific Contact just by clicking on it's name.