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Editing metadata

Video Manual. Editing metadata

This part of the manual is for Clients who have the metadata editor component on their website.

Metadata editor allows easy management over metadata content on your website. With metadata editor you can further optimize your site for Google and other search engines. Metadata editor makes it possible to add, edit, remove and publish your meta keywords, meta descriptions and keyword rich page titles. In other words: Metadata provides context to your webpages, which is very good for SEO.

Choose the page which metadata you want to edit. You will find out how to choose a page to edit in the chapter "Editing page."

On the PAGE DETAIL / PAGE EDIT you will see the title META INFORMATION and three boxes called PAGE TITLE, META KEYWORDS, META DESCRIPTION. Here you can input neccessary data.

PAGE TITLE is the title of page which will be shown in i.e. Google search results

META KEYWORDS are the keywords which best describe content on a page
META DESCRIPTION is the description which will be shown as the page description in i.e. Google search results

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