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Mass online/offline

Video manual. Mass online/offline

Mass online/offline allows for easy management over pages' online/offline status in the Content and Campaign Management System. You don't have to click between many pages - with mass online/offline you can setup status for the selected/all subpages that exist one level below the page.

You can use mass online/offline on the main pages.

You can use mass online/offline also on every page that contains subpages.

In both situations mass online/offline works the same way. Select subpages by ticking a box next to the page title or tick the box that selects all subpages.

Click the 'Edit selected' button.

You will see the online/offline mass edit page.  You can set up statuses for the selected pages in dropdowns.

Or apply one status for all selected pages.

If you want to apply status to all subpages of subpages - tick the main box or small boxes located next to the selected pages in the 'Apply status to all subpages' column.

Click the 'Save' button to save changes or 'Cancel' to discard changes.


By using dropdowns you can select status for the selected subpages.

But when you tick the box in the 'Apply status to all subpages' column - then selected status will also be applied to all subpages (on all existing levels) of this subpage.